E45 Derma Protect Moisturising Lotion

This is a really useful moisturiser if you have dry or sensitive skin, or if you have areas of flaking or roughness. I’ve been using this for a while now and it’s pretty decent. Plus it’s fragrance-free which is good news.

You can pick this one up at Boots for £7.49 for 500ml, and there’s a buy-one-get-one-halfprice deal on at the moment.

Anne Brooke Books

E45 Moisturising Lotion

e45 moisturising lotion

Time for yet another archive post for this brilliant product. I’ve used this lotion on my face just before primer and make-up for ages and it’s really brilliant at soothing and prepping the skin. Plus you don’t need much and it lasts for ages. And you can use it on the rest of your body as needed. Result!

I’ve already stocked up, and you can find this amazing lotion at Boots for £4.99 for 500ml. Brilliant!

Anne Brooke Books