Kelo-Cote UV Scar Gel

kelo-cote scar gel

I wouldn’t have chosen to try this scar gel if I’d not taken a terrible tumble in the kitchen last year and gashed my chin open (cue unstoppable bleeding, rush to the doctor’s, and emergency stitching without any local anaesthetic as it might cause the needle to slip, enough said!…).

However, as I’ve been forced to give it a go, I can tell you it’s very good indeed. After only a few months, my scar is a lot less noticeable and I feel a whole lot more confident about my face. Brilliant result, so thank you hugely, Mr Kelo-Cote!

I have another couple of tubes I will use up now, but I think after that the job will be done and I can get on with my life, with no issues. Hurrah!

So, if you need a brilliant scar gel for whatever reason, then this is the one to go for – you can get it from Amazon for £21.98 for 15g, and it lasts an age and is worth every penny.

Anne Brooke Books