Body Shop French Lavender Pillow Mist

Body Shop Product Review

I’ve been finding this mist really helpful in getting to sleep – which is a blessing as I’m not the greatest sleeper these days. I just spray it on my pillow (as the name tells you!) but I also spray some on my feet which is a tip I picked up from the Internet last month.

And it works! Who knew! Oh, and the scent is gorgeous.

Anne Brooke Body Shop at Home Independent Consultant

Avon Planet Spa Sleep Serenity Pillow Mist

Sleep Serenity pillow mist

This is absolutely the BEST pillow mist EVER, as far as I’m concerned. And, believe me, since moving into the menopause (and now post-menopause), sleep has been one of my major issues, and so I am the Queen of Pillow Mists. I have tried them all and have been largely disappointed. However, this product has renewed my faith that it is possible for an Old Bag Woman to sleep once she reaches her twilight years, hurrah!

Maybe it’s the combination of camomile and lavender in this mist, or maybe it’s just that the smell is simply wonderful and always relaxes me and makes me smile, but it does the trick by getting me off to sleep and (more importantly) keeping me there like nothing else has. I already have a stash of these in reserve and will be buying more the moment I get down to my last one!

You can buy it at Amazon for £6.45 for 100ml and – if you are sleep-deprived in any way – I thoroughly recommend that you do. You can also buy it at Amazon in packs of two or three sprays for a very reasonable price, which is great. Thank you, Avon!

Anne Brooke Books